Friday 30 March 2012

Question 7

Looking back at your prelim task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


Research and planning
Given scenario and given equipment we had a short time to plan. quick storyboard
Mise on scene we were given an room for our setting and had two props drugs and phone- used corridor for the beginning setting.

We used the JVC camcorders and we had an tripod. We learnt about the 180 % rule, which we stuck by. We used over the shoulder shots. Wide, close up and tracking.

 Editing- we done a quick edit we just added together the clips we fort looked best. No effects were added. We did not add in any titles into our prelim.

For sound we stuck with the sound that was recorded with filming. Only added a few sound effects such as door banging and ring tone.


We were given a week to plan our opening. This included many ideas of what we wanted our film to be about. We had to produce a storyboard and then make a detailed storyboard. We had to script out what dialogue we wanted. Had to pre book the equipment we needed.

Mise on scene
We had to find perfect locations for our film. This included a friend’s house, which we had to travel to out of school time. Had to book the basement of the college were we needed and learnt about producing a risk assessment. We had to think about make up and costume. We had to dress up for the scenes in different costumes. We had to gather our props, which was weapons and string.

Lighting – we had to position it properly. In the basement scene we needed it to be dark and have a spot light, which was the dado light to add effect. We learnt how to position light for it to appear good on the camera and in final cut pro

Editing- we used final cut pro to edit. When doing this I learnt how to add title to my opening and how to make it look effective. I learnt how to add effect such as slow motion. An effect to show it’s a flashback. We spent along time on editing this clip to perfection.

Used soundtrack pro to edit sound. I learnt how to adjust the original sound and then add in sound effects such as hitting and walking.

Camera angles
Several cameras angle wide; close up, medium, over the shoulder. Used match cuts and stuck with the 180% rule.  

We improved teamwork skills, as the whole production was group work. Also improved our communication skills and organisation, as we had to stick to deadlines and stick with our production schedule. Also improved our skills on final cut and sound track pro.

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