Wednesday 14 March 2012

Q7: Evaluation: Progression from preliminary to full product.

there were a number of differences between our prelim and our title sequence.

pre-production for prelim: we had no set location so it was done in the college. the story board from the prelim contained rough, even bad, drawings of the scenes we wanted so when it came down to filming, we were sometimes a little unsure of how to shoot the scenes and how long for. we were also not 100% convinced with our storyline. we also had two props, the drugs and the phones. with little props of not much significance such as the drugs, the story wasn't very good at all. we didn't believe in it and so because of these reasons, the pre-production of the prelim wasn't very good at all. instead it was just bits and pieces of film footage put together.

pre-production for opening sequence: we first thought of the film location. we decided to do it at Juliana's friends house. after deciding a film location, a story came into formation. from this we decided what props to use, what clothes to wear, what time we should meet on set and what we should bring with us. the storyboard also was done very well. the pictures were drawn accurately as to how we want it to come out on the screen and we were also talking about how long each shot should take. the whole thing was very well planned out so we knew what we had to do and so didn't waste/lose any time.

production for prelim: the production process for the prelim was a very long process. firstly one of our group members turned up late which delayed the start of filming. we also had to set up the camera and the setting. this took allot longer than we had predicted because we didn't book a room to film in so we had to find a spare room. we also had run through each and every shot to try to get it perfect as it was the first time ever that some of the group had ever filmed properly. that day felt very long because of the lack of planning and the dedication that we all put into the filming of the prelim.   

production for opening sequence: the production process of the opening sequence wasn't easy because this was the proper thing but it was allot easier than it would've been if we hadn't planned it all out properly. we knew that this was our coursework so we worked extra hard in trying to get properly framed shots, realistic looking make-up and also put allot of effort into the acting to make it look professional. we arrived on set on time and started setting up the set and the equipment promptly which left us plenty of time to film all the scenes we wanted and some extra scenes as well. everything ran smoothly even though it was a long process because we planned out carefully what we wanted to do on the day onto our storyboard.

post-production for prelim: in the editing suite, we realised we didn't have enough footage and we also realised that we were missing some footage that we failed to film because of the lack of time we had left ourselves. because if this we tried to edit the prelim as best as we could but the prelim looked too short and it also felt like there was no real story behind it. we also were not very good at editing and we still hadn't learnt some of the skills that we have learnt now. when we edited the sound, there was a lot of background noise so we tried to cover it up with a soundtrack but we didn't know how to create a soundtrack o soundtrack pro properly yet.

post-production for opening sequence: when we came into the editing suite and started on our film, we realised that we needed one small scene just to to be able to tell the story better. we didn't worry too much about this because two of us worked on creating a storyboard for that small part whilst the other two continued on working away at editing the opening sequences. we filmed our extra scenes an then added them to our opening sequence. we also knew how to properly work on final cut pro, soundtrack pro and we also started to learn how to use live type. by the end of the three weeks we were given to edit, we were very happy about our final product. we were even surprised at the final product compared to our prelim because the difference between them two were massive.

first of all our prelim didn't have a opening title sequence with production and distribution companies idents.
above: prelim without production and distribution companies idents

above: opening sequence which includes production and distribution company idents. 

we also had full titles in our opening sequence, we had no such titles in our prelim. no text at all.
above: prelim without any titles at all

above: full titles of production company in titles and also text appears alongside the actual footage from opening sequence.

we also learnt how to quickly and efficiently set up the set using the camera and the lighting.
above: our equipment ready to film our prelim yet we wasn't ready ourselves. we also used no lighting but we discovered that the opening to our prelim looked quite dark without it.

above: once at we arrived on set, we quickly set out the camera and also the lighting needed for the set.

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