we used various types of hardware in the creation of our opening sequence. these were the JVC pro HD camera which was exceptionally useful as it was very lightweight which allowed great manoeuvrability, small and compact so easy to take to most locations, the picture quality was very good and also it recorded footage straight onto the SD memory card on quicktime format so there was no time wasted in converting the files when it came down to editing.
we also used harddrives to save our work on whether or not we had finished. we used lighting on set to make the shots look clearer and brighten up the set or create certain shadowy effects.
In creating the final product, our film opening, we used three different pieces of software. we used final cut pro, soundtrack pro and livetype.
the different ways in which we used these three pieces of software were:-
final cut pro: after filming footage, we used this software to cut and edit together all of the parts of our opening sequences together. we also used this to insert transitions such as fade in/fade out into our sequence and we also used it to insert titles at the start.
above: this is how we used final cut pro to insert text into our opening sequence. here, you can change the size and font of the text. you could also change the position of the text as it appears on the screen.
above: here you can see how you can put up different types of titles in different colours. there is also a green 'wire frame' around the text. this is used to drag the text around the screen to position wherever you wish.
above: this is the time line on which you create and piece together your film. the blue blocks are of the parts of film recordings. these are put together with transitions such as fades, those transitions are the small grey blocks in line with the blue boxes. the green blocks underneath them are sound. these are usually taken out because of unnecessary sound or background noise. these are replaced in soundtrack pro with other sounds and music.

soundtrack pro: after finishing all our editing, we used this piece of software to create a soundtrack for our opening sequence and to also insert other sounds such as footsteps and impact sounds.
above: this is soundtrack pro. on the top right is our final edited film. this runs all the way through to the end so that we can use it as a sort of time line to put our sounds in. these would be stuff like the ident sounds, Foley sounds and also when to start /stop the soundtrack and how to keep it in time with the opening sequence.
above: this is me searching for different sounds for our opening sequence. in the drop down menu you can look through different types of sound, different genres of soundtracks and also many types of Foley sounds from footsteps to car noises.
above: this is the sidebar on soundtrack pro. here you can adjust the level of the sound and the positioning of the sound from which it comes out of the speakers i.e left speaker, right speaker or from both (centred)
above: this is our final edited soundtrack. here you can see various different pieces of sound block put together. each one has its own level of sound and they all fit in time with the film footage.

livetype: we used this piece of software to create the actual title for our opening sequence. here you can write whatever you wish and then edit it around to make it fade in/out, give it a shadow, give it random effects like distortion and other interesting ways to present your title or maybe even create your own ident.
above: on the right hand side are all the different types of edits, transformations, fonts and transitions that you can use to create your title sequence or own personal company ident.
above: the time line represents the length of how long your title will run on screen for. it also displays the different edits that are currently in use so that you can change it or apply the same one to another ident you may be creating.
above: this is the full screen of the editing for our title. as you can see we have the title created already here with the size and font we required. now all we needed to was add in different effects and transitions to create a very professional looking title but we also needed to make it match our them colour of red so this is why we added in the red highlight/shadow.
we used these three pieces of software to finish off our and create our final edit after the rough cut. i personally found these very useful because of the ease of which you could use them with a very good outcome. without final cut pro, we would have a really badly edited opening sequence that would have taken forever to do so this is why it is very useful. without soundtrack pro we wouldn't have been able to put in sound and create a specific soundtrack to suit our sequence and also insert all of our Foley sound. without livetype, we wouldn't have been able to create a interesting title for our opening sequence.