Monday 6 February 2012

Own Research- Thriller Film Audiences

Thriller films are based on suspense, mystery, and excitement. These aspects intend to thrill the audience. There are also sub-genre thriller films which can be targeted to different audiences, e,g. action-thriller. An example of sub genre movie (Action-thriller) is Colombiana. The target audience for this movie is over 15 year olds as some of the scenes in the movie may not be appropiate for under 15s. The trailer is shwon below:

Colombiana Poster

There are also Psychological Thriller films, an example is 'Memento'.

The target audience of many psychological thriller is 18+. this is because they have violnece and psychological issues that can be disturbing for younger viewers. This type of films would attract both, males and females.

The Sixth Sense opening Techniques:

One technique that is used in this film opening is the title sequence, the title is not shown; however there is a series of rd colours. The camera movnement is used by panning and tracking. High or low angles are not used. There are also some editing including jump cuts to represent time.


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