- Title of the film
- Production company name and logo
- Production company ident
- Distribution company ident -Music associated with these idents
- List of credits -such as directors, actors and casting
- Establishing shots
- Location/Where film is set
- Introduction to main characters
- Introduction to the situation or storyline
- Tone, mood, sets and genre of film
We have also learnt that the opening of a film can be a 'Classic Opening'. It usually starts with long opening credits then it shows a cityscape or skyline. There's then a close up of the location, it could be a building. There can also be a close up of a window in that building then the camera goes into a room to meet the characters. We watched an example of a classic film opening 'Psycho' in 1960 -Thriller Film
There are some arguments against classic film openings:
-It could be a really slow opening as there are a lot of credits
-It could be a fast paced opening
-Some viewers may find it boring and may not finish watching it
-The rest of the film might not match the pace
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